Kick Caffeine To The Curb!
It’s no surprise that caffeine is the worlds most consumed psychoactive drug! If you are reading this and are anything like myself it’s not rocket science to know that somehow i become a much better, more productive, and approachable human after a hot cuppa in the morning!
Being fueled by caffeine is not only extremely comforting and great tasting but it also gives you a boost of energy when you need it the most. Nowadays we're pretty much fueled by caffeine to stay ahead.
However, balance and moderation with anything is key to a healthy lifestyle and this includes CAFFEINE! Yes, I said it. It’s time to put the caffeine down and be mindful on your consumption. You might be asking yourself, but why should I do this now? March happens to be caffeine awareness month, so there’s no better time to limit your intake and become optimized with healthier alternatives.
Health organisations around the world suggests 400mg of caffeine daily is a safe amount for majority of the general population. 400mg may seem like a dream for coffee lovers however, tolerances may vary from person to person. The purpose of this blog is to encourage a personal challenge to get the facts regarding caffeine to have a better understanding of what works best for YOU and how to biohack/limit caffeine to ultimately live a healthy & optimized life!
Being caffeine wise starts with knowing where caffeine can be found and how much is present in different foods and beverages. You get 2 types of caffeine, natural & synthetic.- Natural sources of caffeine are extracted from the plant and used in different food and drink items. Natural caffeine is found in more than 60 plant species and can be found in, coffee beans, cacao beans, kola nuts, leaves & bulbs of tea, leaves of Yerba Mate and in Guarana berries to name a few.
- Synthetic sources of caffeine (man-made) is the exact same compound as natural caffeine it has just been synthesized in a laboratory. Synthetic caffeine is widely used in foods and beverages such as energy water, gum, energy drinks, fizzy drinks, medications and more.
Regardless the source caffeine is caffeine. The effect that it has on the body natural or synthetic is surprisingly similar with the only major difference being where it is sourced from.
Caffeine belongs to a group of medicines “known as” central nervous system “CNS” stimulants. Caffeine has many benefits on your body’s metabolism.- Stimulates your central nervous system, making you feel more awake and give you a boost of energy
- Is a diuretic. Helping your body get rid of extra salt and water by urinating more
- May improve short-term memory
- May decrease fatigue
Caffeine reaches its peak in the body within one hour of eating or drinking it and these effects can be felt for up to four to six hours!
Caffeine in high doses may have a unpleasant and/or even dangerous effect on the body. Your genes also have a major influence on your caffeine tolerance. Some people are able to consume more caffeine than others without experiencing negative effects. It's advised that certain people should avoid caffeine intake as much as possible. These are people who:
- Have sleeping disorders (insomnia)
- Have ulcers or GERD
- Are pregnant
- Are breastfeeding
- Have migraines or chronic headaches
- Have high blood pressure
- Take certain stimulants, antibiotics, asthma medicines. (These medications can have interactions with caffeine)
- Have anxiety
- Have a fast or irregular heartbeat
Cons that can be experienced by those who consume too much caffeine or who have low tolerances to caffeine are.
- Increased anxiety
- Insomnia or sleep that is “on and off” throughout the night
- Digestive issues
- Muscle breakdown (enhances risk of getting Rhabdo)
- Addiction
- High blood pressure
- Make you fell sleepy & fatigued
- Walk or run instead of drinking coffee - Instead of relying on caffeine to get you through the day, try exercising for an energy boost.
- Drink more water - Besides keeping you hydrated and decreasing your chances of getting a headache, drinking more water can also help reduce your need for caffeine an increase your energy. (Prevents dehydration = increased energy)
- Cut back on coffee consumption - Make a conscious effort to reduce your caffeine intake by setting little goals for yourself e.g. eliminating 1 cup of coffee a day or switching the regular for decaf!
Nootropics/adaptogens - Certain nootropics mimic the effects of caffeine we crave. They also exert benefits in other regions of functioning with minimal side effects leaving caffeine unmatched. Some great nootropics to use to enhance energy levels to beat mental fatigue on OPTMZ are Teacrine®, Ginseng, Cordyceps Mushroom, Total Focus, NooBrain to name a few.
All in all, caffeine is caffeine, despite how [it's consumed. Caffeine awareness month is a month aimed at being mindful to our bodies and health! Instead of reaching for the coffee granules or the quick fixes try something different. Biohack your energy and optimize your performance it may not taste like coffee but the benefits speak for itself.
Until next time
Be smart & Stay optimized
- Adaptogens 101: An Introduction Guide
- 10 Principles For Optimized Living
- Lithium Orotate & Other Nootropics for Mood & Depression
- 5 Biohacks to Reduce Stress
- How Caffeine & L-Theanine Work Together