Demystifying Coluracetam, Its Uses And Benefits!
If the human body is analogous to a system, then tweaking the inputs should achieve a state of optimum wellness. Supplements, particularly nootropics, are one such input that can contribute to biohacking. Let’s explore the value of an individual nootropic, Coluracetam, on enhancing cognition and brain health.
Here’s How Coluracetam Was Created…
In the mid-’90s, Mitsubishi Tanabe synthesized a drug as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s. Known as BCI-540 (or more commonly as MKC-231), the Japanese pharma corporation experimented with it on damaged nerve cells of mice.
The original study states:
The pharmacological properties of MKC-231 in comparison with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, tacrine were studied. MKC-231 significantly increased high-affinity choline uptake when it was incubated with the hippocampal synaptosomes of ethyl choline mustard aziridinium ion treated rats, but not of normal rats.
In simpler terms, the experiments revealed that MKC-231 could repair memory and learning in the mice.
When the clinical trials were unable to reach their set objectives, the drug, Coluracetam, was licensed over to BrainCells, a California-based company. The corporation initiated another round of testing. Because not enough people volunteered for human clinical trials, most tests were conducted on rats.
The original human phase 2 trial:
While there was no difference between the overall treatment group and placebo on scales for depression and anxiety, further analysis showed a positive efficacy signal in a subset of patients with MDD and general anxiety disorder (GAD)…
The one human trial BrainCells Inc was able to conduct was on more than a hundred participants suffering from anxiety and depression. Though the link to the original study is no longer available, attached above is an archive of it. The research proved that BCI-540 had some positive merits for people who experience MDD (major depressive disorder).
Further studies were completed on MKC-231 which confirmed that the nootropic agent has:
- Memory enhancing properties.
- Productive effects on manic depression and anxiety.
Understanding Coluracetam Better…
A little more about Coluracetam, then. Coluracetam is part of the racetam family. The mechanism of the racetam compounds is connected to a process called high-affinity choline uptake or HACU.
In the process, neurons draw in choline to synthesize a neurotransmitter named acetylcholine. For cognitive enhancement, an increase in the activity of neurons is needed which is gained through a higher HACU rate. The HACU process clarifies why the nootropic impacts alertness, attention, and memory.
Coluracetam is a choline up-taker, i.e. it improves the intake of choline through the HACU system. Furthermore, it converts a substantial amount of choline to acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter considered to be extremely necessary for memory formation, learning capacity, and focus.
The study that supports the finding was conducted on AF64A-treated rats. It evidenced that:
Interventions in rats support the usage of Coluracetam at very low oral doses to preserve HACU.
Another study that explains how Coluracetam operates signifies that the agent restores the uptake of choline even when nerve cells have been damaged.
How Coluracetam Supplements Help…
Memory, depression, and vision are the three areas that Coluracetam is known to affect. Not recognized commonly, the fat-soluble substance works in a manner that is akin to ampakine nootropics.
The stimulating properties of the agent are believed to alter eyesight and brain conditions like anxiety and manic depression. Each advantage of taking the supplement is elucidated below for a deeper understanding.
1. Treats Manic Depression:
The trial carried out by BrainCells (linked above) gave 3 doses of 80 mg Coluracetam, total 240 mg, a day to the 101 test participants. The first dose did not produce any perceptible outcomes.
But after the second dose was administered, the depression assessment test of more than 35% of candidates showed better scores. Additionally, the consequences were visibly apparent in participants on whom average antidepressants failed to work.
Coluracetam can be effectively used by individuals who have MDD clubbed with a generalized anxiety disorder. The nootropic is especially useful on people who have not been able to treat depression with standard medicines, as the double-blind, randomized controlled trial showed. Succinctly put, the supplement is apt for mood improvement.
Further research states:
Glutamate neurotoxicity was assessed with cortical cultures obtained from fetal rats. Exposure of cultures to MKC-231 for 12-24 hr ameliorated glutamate cytotoxicity.
Besides the human trial, this experiment directed on rats clarifies Coluracetam’s ability to treat manic depression. The brain hacking agent has a protective outcome on the condition because it can reduce glutamate toxicity.
2. Offers Better Vision:
The patent filed by Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp in 2007 for Coluracetam claimed that in case of a “degenerative disease of the retina,” the nootropic supplement can encourage nerve growth.
The exact mechanism of this advantage is not known due to non-conclusive scientific evidence. But massive reports from Coluracetam users indicate that the drug works on the section of the brain that controls visual processes.
A regular dose of the agent has been described, by abundant users, as an intensifier of:
- Eyesight
- Vividness
- Recognition
- Coloured Vision.
3. Fosters Greater Cognitive Function:
Besides the trial on humans, the U.S. based BrainCells carried out research on mice. During the experiment, rats were injected with a neurotoxin called AF64A and then a 3mg dose of Coluracetam for eight days. The mice were observed as they cleared a standard Morris Water Maze. The test subjects successfully navigated the maze even 3 days after the last dose was administered, i.e., when the serum concentration of the nootropic was nearly nil.
Effectually, the study verified that Coluracetam is a novel and quite a unique compound, which improves the memory impairment induced by AF64A through the enhancement of HACU without any side effects at the effective doses.
Coluracetam can progress the functioning of the brain by enhancing learning and retention. Holistically, it amplifies brain health.
Coluracetam is one of the scarcely acknowledged nootropics, but its users propound that it is highly effective. It is considered excellent for uplifting the mood and magnifying memory. Some even advocate its ‘HD vision’ quality and superior focus feature. Taken responsibly and in the right dosage, the supplement can even alter concentration levels.
If you wish to buy Coluracetam, you can find it here!