Vita Age
Vita Age from NeuroActive is a synergistic combination of nutrients to assist in slowing down the ageing process. It combines the most effective and most studied anti-aging ingredients to provide an all-in-one supplement that aims to add more years to your life and more life to your years.
To date, scientists have investigated many theories regarding the aging process and Vita Age goes to work on some of the most notable ones including telomere extension, sirtuin activation, free radical scavenging, and reducing harmful AGEs.
- Astragalus Extract has been shown to activate telomerase (lengthening of telomeres) and restores a more youthful phenotype
- Resveratrol is naturally found in grape skins and enhances the activity of longevity genes called Sirtuins (SIRT-1)
- Pterostilbene is a more potent form of Resveratrol with enhanced antioxidant effects
- L-Carnosine inhibits glycation and reduces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) by up to 40%
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- Strong anti-oxidant
- May enhance energy
- May prevent cognitive decline
- May have anti-aging capabilities
- May support longevity & vitality
Take two(2) capsules daily with breakfast. An additional serving may be taken in the afternoon for intensive use. DO NOT exceed four(4) capsules in a 24 hour period.