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  • Uridine: 5 Benefits You Might Have Missed | Articles | OPTMZ |
    June 18, 2019

    Uridine: 5 Benefits You Might Have Missed

    Uridine plays a very important role as one of the building blocks of RNA, which your brain needs to store memories. RNA is important for various biological roles in the body such as coding and decoding genes and even the regulation and expression thereof.
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  • Why Is Molecular Hydrogen Good For You? |  Articles | OPTMZ |
    November 13, 2018

    Why Is Molecular Hydrogen Good For You?

    Molecular Hydrogen or H2 is the new buzz in the medical science world. It is the smallest and most prevalent molecule in existence and works miraculously as an antioxidant health supplement.

    This tasteless, odourless gas is in the news for it is able to tackle more than five dozen diseases. It is celebrated for its anti-aging, anti-allergenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects.

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